Saturday, August 8, 2009


allooo MistaComp...

uuiihh aku bru tersedar akan kenyataan ini...

okeh korg pnah x terpiker psl kehidupan kiter nih cam dominoes blocks...boleh berdiri tapi...

x kukuh kan3???

okeh ak nk korg baygkan camni..

It is just like DOMINOS.
If each tiles [MUSLIMS] stand still [PEACE]
and doesnt fall on [FIGHT] each other,
the whole structure [UMMAH] will be able to stay u forever right???
even if one single tile falls down..then the end results is...
fuh kalo kiter engt kn blik an psl negara Islam...
stakat yg aku taw ar kan...
memula jatuhya Turki Uthmaniyyah akibat laknatullah Mustapha Kemal Atarturk..
then jatuhnya Afghanistan akibat Amerika
then Iran..then Iraq..
pastuh yg dh lme n terbaru pasl isu PALESTIN..its never will ends..
nmpk x stu2 negara ISLAM JATUH...
mcm domino...falls down one by one...
fuhhh ble pkerkann...mcm2 der dlm pala otakku..
tapi per yg ak nk kter kt cini haytilah ayat yg kt bwh nih
"The believers are but a single brotherhood.
so make peace and reconcilliation
between you two (contending) brothers
and fear Allah ye may receive mercy"
{Al-Hujuraat 49:10}

1 per nk kate?:

Syahida _Masri said...

sokong entry nih..
awak pelajar smkakl kan?
yg mana ek?