Friday, June 26, 2009


Identify. Personify.Incorporate. Eliminate.

I d e n t i f y yourself by the name that you bare.

P e r s o n i f y yourself in the clothes that you wear.

I n c o r p o r a t e yourself into all that you do.

E l i m i n a t e the negatives that try to burden you


Live. Learn.Love. Earn.

L i v e your life the way that you chose.

L e a r n from your past win or lose.

L o v e everything about who you are.

E a r n the world's respect and success is never far.

Eight simple words

To guide you through

And if things ever get too tough

Remember I will always love you...

buat sahabatKU

am.yaya.indah.kakak.anis.cik kA.dayah.mimi.huda.'atiqah.iffah.mimo.faas.tyco.hunny.cece.abie.zafirah.yan din.yan thi.ummu.qeela.farah.DJ.mama.thirah.atyn.jiqah.

& semua yg kenal diri ini.

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